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St Peter's Primary School, Ross Road, Belfast


26th Jan 2024
A massive well done to the children from Primary 6 and Primary 7 who represented...
26th Jan 2024
Mr. Laverty’s Primary 7 class had a wonderful day visiting Fish City 🐟 🐟...
26th Jan 2024
Celebrating Catholic Schools Week 2024 We spent the week exploring our community...
20th Jan 2024
Please see attached letter from EA regarding upcoming support sessions for parents...
20th Jan 2024
Catholic Schools’ Week runs from Sunday 21 -to Saturday 27 January 2024...
19th Jan 2024
Congratulations to our wonderful stars!Continue to shine and make us proud.⭐️
17th Jan 2024
Our Primary 3 & 4 children have been busy 🐝. ⭐ Writing instructions in...
13th Jan 2024
Below are direct links to the admissions criteria for some local schools that might...
13th Jan 2024
Admissions criteria for Post Primary Schools has been published on Thursday...
12th Jan 2024
As a result of Industrial Action the school will be closed on Thursday 18th January...