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St Peter's Primary School, Ross Road, Belfast



Our aim in St. Peter's is to ensure that each child receives a broad balanced education, acquiring the knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and work ethic required to meet the challenges of life. 

We aim to ensure that every child realises his/her fullest potential. 

Pupils will follow the syllabus detailed in the Northern Ireland Curriculum, including the following:

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Using I.C.T. 
  • The World Around Us
  • P.D.M.U. - Personal development and mutual understanding
  • Art and Design 
  • Music
  • P.E.  - Physical Education
  • R.E. - Religious Education

The Curriculum extends beyond the classroom as children are involved in many other areas of school life, which all helps to equip them with necessary life skills.  Click here to access the NI Curriculum Website